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Contractual Operation Of State-owned Companies Legal Issues And Regulation Measures

Posted on:2012-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H JiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From our country state-owned capital contracted management of history put forward the state-owned limited liability company contracted management of objectivity, inevitability analysis, on the basis of summarizing the experiences, analysis the state-owned capital contracted management of theoretical basis,state-owned capital management system,laws and regulations and the relevant market factors, to improve state-owned limited liability company contracted management of concrete ideas, state-owned company contracted as two rights separation for the efficient implementation of form, easily and flexibly, to explore the effective realization form the public sector of the economy, this breakthrough in China that original state-owned assets system, is an unprecedented innovation。The first part of paper describes contracted management status and easily appearing some problems。The second part of state-owned company contracted mainly introduced the main contents of a contract especially state-owned company contracted unique。The third part introduce our country executes state-owned limited liability company contracted operation after the original state-owned corporate governance what effect? Perfect state-owned company contracted management of ways and conditions a fourth part, mainly analyses the current enliven the state-owned limited liability company of contracted operation of the current situation and the need of reality, even implement the contracted management of effective measures, this is mainly embodied in urging country publish relevant laws as soon as possible legal safeguard especially hair rules promulgated by the state-owned assets administration laws, the laws need through the state-owned capital of the management system reform of implementation and related other market factors of supporting measures establishment to complete。...
Keywords/Search Tags:Contracted, Contracted management, State-owned assets, State-owned capital, State-owned corporate governance
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