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The Research On The Path Of Improvement Of Attorney Committee System In China

Posted on:2012-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y JiangFull Text:PDF
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Attorney committee system is closely linked China's national conditions and the system is the refraction between the democratic system with Chinese characteristics and the concept of system construction. The main task of the committee system of prosecution is in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism, to discuss and decide major cases and other important issues. Committee system plays a larger role in preventing miscarriage and corruption. However, rapid development of the market economic, there are some problems in the development of committee system, how to improve the committee system of prosecution legal theory and practice became the focus of attention.Committee of China's Attorney system for the practice of research, it is beneficial for China's Attorney committee system has problems in the analysis, while based on the combination of existing conditions, the corresponding solutions. Through our monitoring committee system of continuous improvement, can effectively promote the fair and efficient judicial development. Attorney committee system in our judicial system as well as the construction of important political and legal elements of a harmonious existence. China's Attorney committee system of continuous improvement and the promotion of China's judicial system has an important building of a harmonious political and legal significance.It is noteworthy that, as China's Attorney committee system is a unique system of prosecution exists, thanks to its departure from China's national conditions and characteristics of the system established, which met in practical work problems, or can refer to the lack of reference model. With the continuous development and social progress, China's rule of law is constantly advancing. Attorney committee system with the judicial situation evolves, it also has some drawbacks issues have emerged. From the perspective of judicial practice, the contractor will need to submit the case prosecutor prosecutor's case before the Commission, which led to the prosecution in the conduct of the cases discussed by members of the development trend was increasing features, and in other Commission discussion on major issues and then on the prosecution and experience to do less. It is from this perspective, the prosecution will deal with China's existing system of thinking, a fundamental solution to the current system has problems, ensure that prosecutors are independent, impartial and efficient handling of cases, this is a cause for concern and study. China's Attorney committee system can effectively promote the continuous improvement of China's Attorney committee in the new situation and new problem-solving capacity enhancement, the prosecution can function effectively in social and economic life of the Commission has the positive effect.This paper combined with the actual situation of our country and the prosecution committee characteristics, and on the basis of the analysis of strengths and weaknesses for the present committee system, combined with the development trend of prosecutorial council, proposed a complete reform of attorney path. And the path provides a theoretical and practical reference for the committee of the improvement and development of committee system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Attorney Committee System, Attorney General, Decision-making Mechanisms, Procedure
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