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Software Design For The Remote Monitoring System Of Smart Home Based On Web

Posted on:2013-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330371957570Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Smart Home is the future direction of home life. It takes advantage of networking technology, computer technology and wireless communication technology to connect all kinds of electronic and electrical equipment at home to realize the unified management, remote monitoring and resource share, making the life more efficient and more convenient. Considering to this situation, the paper designs the smart home remote monitoring systerm based on Web technologies.In this paper, based on the OMAP3530 hardware platform for Smart Home, a software platform of embedded Linux operating system was built, as related programs included. Through the Internet, the Web-based management and control system of Smart Home was designed, which has realized these functions of the control of user access, the management and control of home appliances, the registration and configuration of home devices,the choice of scene mode.Firstly, the paper introduces the concept of Smart Home and remote monitoring system, and elaborates the development status and trends of Smart Home in domestic and aboard. It compares several networking technologies of home network and external network, and then the technical standards to be used are decided. Secondly, according to the required functions of the Smart Home remote monitoring system, the settings of intelligent scene mode and the composition of the information devices, the scheme design of the smart home's remote monitoring system is designed, which contains the systerm oftware architecture, the system's basic operation on equipment and the definition of the device description files.And, the software design on the transplantation of the embedded Linux operating system is described in detail. Then, the thesis focuses on the the key technologies of the Web-based monitoring systerm, including the transplantation of the embedded boa server and the embedded SQLite database and the working principle of dynamic interactive program CGI. Through the program CGI and the database, which handles the device description files and the intelligent scene mode, in the browser the Web user interface can be realized. In conclusion, the fruits of the paper are summarized and the focus points and direction of the further research are proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Web, Embedded Linux, Remote Monitoring System, Boa, SQLite
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