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Research On Dual-channel Coordination Supply Chain Mechanism By Revenue-sharing Contract

Posted on:2012-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R ShuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330338474497Subject:Systems Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dual-channel sales model has been application in the IT field, manufacturing field, home appliances field. With dual-channel sales model disharmony cognitive, coordination research of the supply chain extended from a single channel to the dual channel. While, in the dual channel environment, how to signing practical and efficient coordination contract to encourage the enterprises collaborate actively and make sure supply chain system effective operation according to supply chain management methods, this is the urgent question need to be solved, also is the value of the supply chain coordination research in the setting of dual-channel sales model.In this research, under the environment of dual-channel sales model, conflict of the supply chain coordination has been analyzed from the perspective of channel coordination. Based on the revenue sharing contract, the main content including the coordination and cooperation of dual-channel, the coordination of dual-channel as manufacturers is the services provider, and the coordination research under the two-channel three-stage supply chain. The dual channel supply chain integration implementation conditions have been studied by establishing revenue sharing model. In particularly, the contributions are as following:(1)Research on the coordination and cooperation of dual-channel. Logistics service provider services to manufacturers and distributors at the same time, two channels have independent decision-making power and demand, price is exogenous variable. The system coordination model has been given based on revenue-sharing contract. The results show that: if the relevant parameters satisfy certain conditions, revenue sharing can achieve supply chain coordination; we also discovery that system can achieve better results through channel's price cooperation, at the premise of centralized decision-making.(2)Research on dual-channel coordination and optimization while the services provided by the manufacturer. Through study revenue sharing model and dynamic game model of centralized and decentralized decision-making, it is shown that,simply revenue sharing contracts fail to achieve system coordination, but the system can achieve coordination by using the combination of revenue sharing and cost-sharing contract. What's more,a improved revenue sharing and cost-sharing strategy has been designed. The results show that: this method can achieve supply chain coordination if the distributor's revenue sharing factor and cost-sharing factor meet two different linear range relations.(3) Research on dual-channel three-stage supply chain coordination. By comparing the equilibrium solution of the centralized and decentralized decision-making, it found that centralized decision-making can create excess profit for system. In order to achieve the system's Pareto optimal, a revenue sharing model that coordinate the supply chain be given, the cooperation mechanism implementation conditions and scope be concluded. The results show that: not only the two revenue sharing factors meet a certain range, but also internal transfer price has to meet a certain relationship with the revenue share factors, this revenue sharing mechanism could make the system achieve maximum benefit in this model. The scope of revenue sharing factor depends on the cross-price elasticity, cost structure and demand.Finally,all conclusions proven o be effective through simulation analysis of Matlab software,...
Keywords/Search Tags:dual-channel, revenue sharing contract, supply chain coordination, channel coordination
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