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Research On Pricing And Coordination Of The Retailer Dual-Channel Supply Chain Under The O2O Mode

Posted on:2019-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330542955644Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the O2 O mode has driven more and more traditional retailers to improve their sales mode.Retailers increase their online channels while selling offline channels,creating pricing conflicts between online and offline channels.At the same time,manufacturers started online direct sales channels,causing pricing conflicts between downstream retailers and upstream manufacturers.Aiming at the pricing conflicts of retailers’ dual-channel supply chain under the O2 O model,the pricing coordination contract is selected.With the retailer as the core,the horizontal and vertical pricing and coordination of the supply chain under the O2 O model is studied.The optimized interval of the contract coordination parameters provides decision-making suggestions for retailers’ pricing and coordination.Firstly,using the literature review method to sort out the pricing influencing factors of dual-channel supply chain,and in accordance with the principles of science,system,objectivity,etc.,we can establish a retailer dual channel pricing index system under the O2 O mode.Secondly,based on the O2 O retailer dual channel pricing index criteria,combined with the characteristics of O2 O mode,considering the impact of service quality on market demand,we can determine the linear relationship between product prices,service quality and market demand,retailer dual channel requirements function model and profit function model is established.The Nash game,Stackelberg game,and Betrand game method are used to find the optimal pricing of online channel and offline channel of retailer and the optimal profit of supply chain under centralized and decentralized decision.The analysis found that for the entire supply chain,centralized decision making is the optimal pricing decision.Thirdly,using the linear programming modelling method to target the overall profit of the supply chain as the goal,the profit of each main body of the dual-channel supply chain is greater than zero and the profit is improved.Under the centralized decision-making,under the O2 O mode,the pricing coordination of the retailer’s dual-channel supply chain in the horizontal direction and the vertical revenue-sharing contract are coordinated.Then,we can through the example analysis,the validity of the theoretical analysis results is further verified.By comparing and analyzing the profit changes of the profit before and after the coordination between the price compensation contract and the revenue sharing contract of the retailer’s dual-channel supply chain under theO2 O model,the optimization interval of the two pricing coordination contract parameters is obtained.And based on price compensation contract and revenue sharing contract,we provide pricing and coordination decisions recommendations for retailers that have opened a dual-channel business mode.First,the online channels of retailers should provide prices for offline channels to improve the overall profits of retailers.Second,should be a long-term cooperation between manufacturers and retailers,manufacturers need to reduce to provide wholesale prices to retailers,retailers are also sales income should be according to certain proportion for manufacturers,achieve a win-win situation.Therefore,when opening the O2 O model,the retailer should consider the vertical direction of the supply chain and the pricing coordination with the manufacturer while coordinating the online and offline pricing in the horizontal direction of the supply chain.
Keywords/Search Tags:O2O Mode, Dual-Channel Supply Chain, Price Compensation Contract, Revenue Sharing Contract, Pricing and Coordination
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