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Studies On Presupposition And Presupposition Logic

Posted on:2013-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WeiFull Text:PDF
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Presupposition is a linguistic phenomenon which is common in natural language. Thedomestic scholars studied presupposition comprehensively on the basis of presuppositiontheories’ constantly introduction. Presupposition plays a unique role in language. Thepresupposition logic can help us solve sorts of problems if people can introducepresupposition more clearly and analysis it correctly. Examining the presupposition fromthe angle of logic can not only enrich the research content logic, but also have importanttheoretical and practical value to the presupposition phenomenon in the daily life.First, this paper should understand the origin of the presupposition research.Presupposition research do not lasted long, but have a rich history of research, linguistsand logicians explore the theory of presupposition from different aspects. This papercombed the history of presupposition study which was deepening along time, andredefined the definition of presupposition from the aspect of logic.Second, taking the classification of semantic presupposition and pragmaticpresupposition as classification standards, this paper elaborated the basic theory andcharacteristics of semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition.Third, this paper explored presupposition issues from logic angles, one is qualitativeresearch of presupposition logic, and the other is separating out semantic presuppositionand pragmatic presupposition reasoning. At the same time, this paper made a cleardifference between presupposition and implication of semantic, so of pragmatic.Finally, this paper tried to analysis presupposition in daily life, using the basic theoryof the presupposition. Then this paper explored the possibility of formalization ofpresupposition. Presupposition logic can be used in law, advertisement, and literature,which is the most important practical significance of theory analysis. The formalization ofpresupposition logic is difficult, and that of Chinese is more difficult. This is whypresupposition theory being a very important direction in logic.
Keywords/Search Tags:presupposition logic, semantic presupposition, pragmatic presupposition, pragmatic inference, formalization
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