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An Intertextual Study Of Advertising Slogans Translation

Posted on:2013-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330395956224Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Intertextuality was introduced by Julia Kristeva. It emphasizes the effects ofinteraction, transformation and dependence within and among texts. Intertextuality hasnow attracted more and more interest from scholars in various fields and has beenintroduced into translation studies in1980s. However, as a pragmatic methodology, theimportance of intertextuality in advertising translation has not been fully acknowledged.This thesis attempts to analyze how the intertextuality is applied to advertising creationand its translation to make advertising slogans much more effective in promotingproduct sales. By doing so, this thesis aims at probing into translation strategies toimprove the current situation of advertising translation.The thesis is made up of six chapters:Chapter One is the introduction. In this chapter, the significance of the study,research methods, research questions and the outline of the thesis are presented.Chapter Two establishes the theoretical framework of intertextuality. It traces backto the origin, development and classification of intertextuality.Chapter Three explains the relationship between intertextuality and translation. Inthis chapter, theories of intertexutal research into translation and functions ofintertextuality in translation are illustrated.Chapter Four reviews linguistic features and functions of advertising slogans firstly.Then diachronical and synchronical intertextuality applied in advertising slogans andtheir functions are analyzed in detail.Chapter Five is the enlightenment of intertextuality upon advertising translation, inwhich the intrertextual correspondence and non-correspondence between English andChinese advertising slogans, the role of author and corresponding strategies inadvertising slogan translation are presented.Chapter Six is the conclusion of the thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Intertexuality, Advertising Slogans, Translation
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