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American Jewish Interest Group Politics That Resolves

Posted on:2013-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330362469244Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interest groups are important political powers in the United States.They seek for beneficial policy consequences through exerting pressureor influence upon the government, so sometimes they are also called‘lobbies’ or ‘pressure groups’.Among numberless interest groups in the United States, the Jewishinterest group is the most typical and the most influential. The Jewishinterest group refers to those economic, political, and religiousorganizations or entities connected by Jewish-blood or Judaism religionties, and typically represented by the American Israel Public AffairsCommittee (AIPAC) in the U.S. Congress. It has been paying highattention to its motherland, Israel since long ago, and also has providedconsiderable diplomatic support for it. For instance, with its economicaland political resources, the group usually tries to conduct the UnitedStates’ Mid-East policy through sponsoring candidates, influencingelection, and direct or indirect lobbying activities.In April2006, John J·Mear-sheimer and Stephen·Walt publisheda joint research report, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, inwhich they consider that the U.S. Mid-East policy had been laid onU.S.-Israel special relationship, instead of U.S. national interest. Thisincidental distortion, according to the report, is mainly guided by lobbies either initiated by American Jewish interest groups or Israel government.Right after publication, the report immediately cause intensiveinter-accusation between the realists and pro-Israel conservatives. Forcedby the released immense pressure from the realists and American people,the Jewish interest group had to partly quit directive lobbies and transferto indirect ones, like religious lobby through Christianity-Judaism tie, andpublic lobby through media and press under their control, all aiming atmaking pro-Israel opinion from common people.This impressive transfer is actually a sort of compromising attitudeshown by the pro-Israel right-wing conservatives toward the liberalrealists, despite which their intimate concern and persisting supporttoward Israel will never be changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:The United States, Jewish Interest Group, Israel, Middle EastPolicy
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