Witnesses as to understand the details of the case other than the person concernedprovided an indispensable role to identify the facts of the case, witness system is animportant part of the evidence system. Recalling the history of the evidence, the testimonyof witnesses is the earliest stage of history. Whether it is in ancient Egypt, Babylon, ancientIndia, or in modern Britain, the United States, France, Germany, Japan and other developedcountries, witnesses almost a default tradition, is was recognized by society as a whole.But in China witness to testify is not a traditional, witness system development is laggingbehind. In practice, the witness does not appear in court, commit perjury happenedfrequently, what restricting the development of our judicial system, hinder the constructionof China’s Civilization. Therefore, study the witnesses to testify system has a practicalsignificance. The paper is based on the contract, divided into four parts to analysis thewitness to testify. According to this, we can understand the deficiencies of our system ofwitnesses to testify, and direction so as to improve the system. |