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Our Country Citizen Moral Construction Present Situation And Countermeasure Research

Posted on:2013-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, our society is in the critical period of reforming andopening to the world and it is also crucial for China to build itself into awell-off society in an all-round way. The productivity has beensignificantly promoted. At the same time,people’s living standard hasbeen greatly improved. On the other hand,social morality has graduallybecoming the focus of social concern. Civic virtue is the ethical yardstickto regulate the social relationship between social members.Correspondingly, reinforcing civic morality construction is thecornerstone of building a harmonious socialist society. This paper baseson the foundation that absorbs the achievements of domestic andinternational research from the angle of ethics, and discusses thesignificance of strengthening the civic morality. This thesis attempts totake the civic morality of Hengyang City as a case to integrate the currentsituation, and put forward the countermeasure of construction civicmorality,This thesis consists of three parts. The instruction points out thebackground and significance of the topic. The first chapter aims todiscuss the meaning and characteristics of civic morality and the urgencyof strengthening of civic morality, focusing on the significance ofnational moral construction. The second chapter unfolds the picture ofHengyang City in terms of its civic morality construction. First,discussing the specific reality of the Hengyang City, including socialethics the achievements of civic morality construction, and analyzingexistent problems in this regard. The third chapter puts forward the Civicmorality ethical principles, and how to provide a theoretical guarantee forcurrent civic morality construction.This thesis takes Hengyang City as the inspection site. This thesiscombine the practice of build a harmonious socialist society to carry outinitial study that present a tentative approach on how to strengthen thestudy of civic morality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civic virtue, Ethical Principle, Countermeasue
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