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The Implementation Research On "Measures Of Hunan Province Standardize Administrative Discretionary Right"

Posted on:2012-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since its implementation from April17,2010,“Regulations of standardizeadministrative discretion in Hunan Province”has produced widely positive effects for all theworld, but still existing a few problems did not get settlement at present.There are still manyobstacles in this process: first is the specific benefit of administrative organ,second is the“Wanton discretion” of Administrative departments,including improve admittancethreshold without authorization, low efficiency,the implementation is not in place,not fitfor the exertion of the discretion of the administrative punishment,evaluation administrationenforcer by fine,seriously privileges mind,low quality of administration enforcer.Analysis of the cause indicate, First is obstacles of implementing “regulations ofstandardize administrative discretion in Hunan Province”, including jurisprudence isfaultiness, the functional defect of regulations. Second, obstacles of administrativeorganization,including the boycott by them, the administrative discretion are difficult torestrain and not synchronized with society, procedure is a mere formality.Adopt the relevant strategies: improving relevant legislation and discretionary powersecond is measures by administrative agency, including institutional reform, improve lawenforcement officials own quality, produces correction program and so on. Third is thesubject to the authority of external political system,like political supervision,mediasupervision and media supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative Discretion, institutional reform, supervision, administrativeorgan
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