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On The Current Legal Safeguard Mechanism Of Vulnerable Groups

Posted on:2013-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The judge of a country’s rise and fall depends on the proportion of vulnerable groups in the country.Vulnerable groups is a huge social groups, can be summarized as no advatage in its own conditions on economic and politic.This article discusses the vulnerable groups which may be adversed impact in the context of economic development.Because of the changes in economic policy,these people will be affected to the original state of living,so how to protect their rights is a concern.This article is divided into a total of four parts.The first part introduces the main distribution and characteristics under the economic development pattern.First of all,we will locate the vulnerable groups in the context if economic development mode shift.Followed by,discuss the distribution of this part of ghe group and outlines its basic charateristics.The second part maily introduces the contact beween economic development mode soift and vulnerable groups,describes the meaning and depth of the economic development mode shift.This section focuses to analyze by together with central file of economic development mode find its merits may brigh adversely affection to the vulnerable groups.The third part mainly argument the vulnerable groups have the right to share the economic achievements in economic development change.This section focuses on analysis the legitimacy,feadibility and necessity in the disavantage groups which have the right to share the fruits of economic success.The fourth part mainly talk about the components of the main rights of vulnerable groups.This part is divided into two aspects,there are procedural rights and substantive rights.Procedural rights mainly argue that how to find a legal basis for protecting the right of vulnerable groups.Entity the right mainly argue how to protect the fundamental rights of vulnerable groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vulnerable groups, Legal protection, right to know, Equalopportunity
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