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Legal Specialization Of News Media Supervision

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L SiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The supervision of the news media plays a crucial role in the process of China’s socialism legal construction. It ensures judicial fairness by supervising the exercise of jurisdiction and it maintains social justice by focusing on and reporting the events in the society. Supervision of the news media benefits the realization of democratic politics during our socialism legal construction. However, in the process of conducting the supervision right, news media sometimes also behaves illegally. Supervision beyond the power and a the abuse of supervision right, not only is not conducive to the achievement of judicial fairness and social justice, but will affect the normal conduct of the judicial process and inspires the media infringement. There are many factors that lead to the improper exercise of supervision right. Media professionals’ lack in law and low awareness of law can be regarded as the most important aspects, in regardless of the incomplete system. Legal specialization of the media supervision is of great significance in solving the problem during the conduct of the right. The first chapter analyzes the relationship between the supervision right of news media and judicial power, and discusses the significance of the news media supervision from the importance in promoting legal construction and the maintenance of the course of justice; The second chapter discusses the problem in media supervision, mainly including provocative speculation in the cases reported, the ultra vires supervision and the problem " trial by the news"; Chapter Ⅲ discusses the abuse of the freedom during reporting social events and news infringement, discusses news infringement causes and preventive measures of the right of reputation, and news infringing; Chapter IV discusses the approach to realize the goal of legal specialization in media supervision on the view of "how to do". Finally, make a summary of the full paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:supervision right, judicial power, news infringement, legalspecialization, legal construction
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