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Research On Bourdieu’s Culture Reproduction Theory

Posted on:2013-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Bourdieu’s Cultural reproduction theory is a theory analysis framework reveal the mechanism of operation of the educational system, occupies an important position in the field of pedagogy and sociology. Bourdieu studied French higher education system, found that the legitimacy of education is not only not better to eliminate existing inequalities between social classes, on the contrary, the education system reproduction of this inequality, and make people recognized this inequality.Bourdieu’s classic works of sociology of education "reproduction" as a blueprint for this paper Commentary Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory, and finally explore its practical significance in China.The full text is divided into a total of four parts:The first part introduces Bourdieu’s life and writings, as well as the theoretical basis of the ideas of Bourdieu.The second part is mainly from the perspective of the education system theory, introduces the main content of Bourdieu’s theory of cultural reproduction.Specifically, this part first describes the background of cultural reproduction theory, the1950s, conflict theory and function theory Sociological Methodology opposition formed different values in the field of sociology of education. The study before Bourdieu’s theory of the education system, more than starting from the point of view of the functional theory of educational systems integration and the development of the society plays a role, to maintain social stability and promote social flow tool, and contrast, Bourdieu’s theory is starting from the point of view of the theory of the clash, and that the education system is the tool of the ruling class to control society and reproduction.Then briefly discusses the theoretical foundation of the educational system, cultural reproduction theory, expand the interpretation from the "education action ’,"education authority","education work","education system" four propositions. In general, which give the education system symbolic violence is power relations, continuous education actions forms education work, the education system through symbolic violence education authority given to education work, the main purpose of education is tore production of the main cultural arbitrary, and arbitrariness of the reproduction of the dominant culture is conducive to the reproduction of power relations.Then the writer analyzes the mechanisms of cultural reproduction in the reality of the educational field. The origin of the different sectors of the students, they have different cultural capital, mainly in the language of capital. Based on Bernstein’s analysis on the technical of the language of capital, we can understand the more upper-class background of students, the closer their use of language and the school language, they will also be able to better understand the teacher lectures and within schools values, the more they can get better results. Therefore, the education system will be the advantage of the social aspects of academic advantage.Finally, the writer introduces the two major tools of the education system and the three functions. These two tools are the "test" and "diploma". It will be easier to pass the exam to enter school achievement standard exams, students are divided into rank or grade, easy to get good grades came from upper-class students, first-class universities and first-class professional. Other students may be self-eliminated, such as the origin underclass students, poor grades, may drop out of school to find a job of their choice, of course, certainly some jobs which social status is not too high. Middle-class students in the grade point average birth may be banished to the professional unwanted or second-rate schools; there is delay in the phase-out. Another tool is the diploma, it is easy to understand, Career is the most important symbol of social status attributes, and diploma is to obtain a high social status occupations guarantee. Therefore diploma makes the upper-class students successfully obtained marks into the upper class career. The education system through the two tools of examination and diploma, once again the advantages of the school transformed into social advantage, on this, the education system and then completed the process of cultural reproduction social institutions and power save. The three major functions of the education system first technical exchange function on the surface, then the social function of the education system, the completion of the preservation of the social structure and power relations. Finally, the ideological function is to let the people approved the first two features of the education system, and thinks it is only right and proper, reasonable and lawful.The third part introduces the academic evaluation of Bourdieu’s theory of cultural reproduction. Academic contribution is the cultural reproduction theory expose the education system unknown side, providing an ideological weapon for social subaltern, beyond the dualism of subjectivism and objectivism, provides a new theoretical framework for the social sciences and so on. Criticism of Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory is mainly reflected in its explanatory power and generic questioned. The main criticism of its explanatory power that will affect many of the education system by many factors attributed to cultural capital, this definition is not quantitative, is vague and unreliable. In addition, some people think that Bourdieu can ignore the education system to stimulate the people’s subjective motivation. Generic questioned that Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory can well explain the operating mechanism of the French higher education system, but may not apply to others for political, economic, cultural which different with France.The last part of the introduction of the empirical research of the Chinese education system, draw Bourdieu’s theory of China’s education system has a strong practical significance of the conclusions. Bourdieu’s cultural reproduction theory, analysis and improvement of China’s higher education system provides an effective framework for theoretical analysis, but taking into account China’s economic, political, and cultural factors, after all, unlike France, we have to use a cautious approach to the use of culture reproduction theory, fully taking into account its limitations, and how China’s national conditions specific combination of these need to be more in-depth research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bourdieu, Culture Reproduction, Education system
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