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The Influencing Factors Of Accepting KRA In E-commerce Site Based On User Cognitive

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395983383Subject:Information Science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of e-commerce, the recommended service increasingly become an important part of the future network of service. However, according to the research group pre-survey, an average of nearly25%of the users of the recommended services had a negative attitude. The key factor in deciding whether to accept the recommended service is the content to meet user needs. There are two gap:solving user information Trek personalized recommendation service, which is currently the focus of academic research; The KRA which used to solve the lack of knowledge of the user to purchase goods. In this study, mainly on the latter.With digital products, high-tech products increasingly permeating our daily lives, the widespread lack of consumer merchandise parameter properties expertise lead to buying decisions confusion has become increasingly prominent. So users look forward to a more user-friendly online decision support knowledge recommended service, but the knowledge provided by the e-commerce site recommendation service is very simple, the user’s cognitive load, the lower the degree of user acceptance.Based on this, the thesis select the KRA as object, to study the users’ accepting problems of e-commerce site recommendation service, to build a KRA system based on the literature research, online research, as well as experimental experience, and the introduction of the theory of cognitive psychology, focusing on analysis of the role of individual cognitive factors which affect the final build for the future to meet the user cognitive preferences using software such as SPSS, AMOS knowledge of recommended services provide the basis and direction.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-commerce, RA, Technology acceptance behavior, KRA, Influence factor analysis, Structural equation modeling
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