With the rapid development of e-commerce in China, as a third-party paymentmodel ofe-commerce development One of the basic link, has become the peoplefamiliar with and accepted payment methods. With the popularity of smart phones,rich mobile applications, mobile phones to pay more and more popular, and thepopularity of smart phones and improve the function of the third party to pay tobecome a mainstream form of mobile payment..Through third-party payment technology and mobile payment developmenttrends to analyze the introduction of third-party payment to the mobile payment, andfurther improve the payment process in the traditional mobile payment, combinedwith specific business needs, design and realization of a third-party payment platformin the mobile payment application case, the paper’s main tasks are as follows.Study of third-party payment platform in the mobile payment application model.Papers on the application characteristics and advantages of the principle of third-partypayment platform in the mobile payment as well as mobile phone payments, build athird-party payment platform in the mobile payment application model.Design and Implementation of the third-party payment platform in the mobilepayment. Papers This paper describes how third-party payment platform more securedocking with the operators and banks, how to create a more secure payment platformfor end-users. Combined with the application case requirements, design the overallsystem program, including overall system architecture design, database modeling,design of the accounting model, and payment process design.The mobile payment key technology for third-party payment platform. The thesisput the security of payment platform in the mobile phone applications and massiveconcurrent access requirements, the proposed system’s security and mass accessstrategy to build a high performance and high stability of the payment platform.In short, the third-party payment and mobile payment from several angles,analyze, and then given a third-party payment platform in the mobile paymentapplication model and design a complete process of this mobile payment, and finallybuilt the architecture of the model payment security and mass access strategy, solutionof convenient, safe, stable platform application. |