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Translation Of Chinese Cuisine Names In The Perspective Of Cross-culture

Posted on:2014-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J HuangFull Text:PDF
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Since China entered the golden age of economic development after its reform and opening up, it not only enhances global status and comprehensive capability, but also shows a stronger culture influence. China has laid a great emphasis on agriculture ever since ancient times. The famous saying like "Food is the paramount necessity of the people" is the best proof. But nowadays food is far from getting rid of hungry. It is for function diversification as well as effective communicating, which attracts the foreigners’attention to "Chinese Table Culture". All of this makes the cuisine names translation more important than ever before. China covers broad territory with its geographical feature very significant and rich, so Chinese cuisine names’translation usually reflects the strong cultural characteristics. Appropriate translation of Chinese cuisine names not only mirrors the basic information of dishes, such as materials, methods, shapes and tastes, but also can deliver the local culture, such as literally quotation, interesting stories of celebrities and moral.This paper aims to introduce the characteristics of Chinese cuisine names and its culture, via listing out the most special fish dishes in Hunan and other places and then probe into how to translate the Chinese cuisine names in the perspective of cross-culture. There are three chapters in total, besides the Introduction and conclusion. The first chapter mainly describes the language and culture features of Chinese dish names, and discusses how language and culture are interrelated. The author believes that Chinese dish names are made up of often four words, reflecting the symmetry and rhythm, and the use of figures of speech often implies the culture connotation of dishes. The dish names can be usually divided to practice names and culture names. The second chapter mainly talks about the Chinese cuisine names translation in the perspective of cross-culture and how to avoid translating mistakes. The third chapter mainly dwells upon the translation methods in the perspective of cross-culture, such as literal translating and transliteration with explanation. The conclusion summarizes the study values and importance of Chinese fish names translation, as well as the process of translation necessity of cross-cultural awareness training.
Keywords/Search Tags:cross-culture perspective, translation of dish names, localculture, Chinese dish names, Fish dish names
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