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Study On The Composition Characteristics Of The Graphic Design Of Chinese Characters-Graphic, Spatial Module

Posted on:2014-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401471259Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese characters, as a language and medium of information transfer,played a pivotal role in our daily life. Graphic design of Chinese charactershave not only satisfied with our understanding of information and exchange.Improving with the audience’s visual constantly, that the symbolic and spatialnewborn Character Graphics derivative constantly. Graphic design of Chinesecharacters has changed over, with the progress of science and the developmentof social. In this diversification background which information integratedcontinuously, the constitute language in Graphic design of Chinese charactersare becoming imperceptibly. All these changes had to summarize which arethe constitute language in Graphic design of Chinese characters? And whichfactors affect the future development of the Chinese character design.This paper is based on the constitute language in Graphic design of Chinesecharacters and deformation morphology as the starting point to analyze,combined the pictograms (graphical) of Chinese characters itself with theconstruction of Western Semiotics. Profiling the signifier and signified inChinese character design from structure and meaning, trying to establish aChinese characters visualization platform which accord with the mode ofthinking of modern design in the constitute language in Graphic design ofChinese characters. Secondly, through the depth analysis on the symbol of"Modular" system, summed up the direction of development of the charactergraphic design. Try to compromises.multidimensional space form with thecharacter graphics, and mix together the constitutes grammar in Graphic design of Chinese characters, graphical space and module, systematically. Integrate theCharacter Design realizable as far as I could around three features. At last, usemy own experimental theory, combining with the development trend of visualdesign and present cultural phenomena, and make the realistic logic speculatefor the future development of Chinese characters design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Character Graphics, Symbol, spatiality, Modular, constitute language, Visual space
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