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Research Upon The Liability Of The Indirect Infringement Of Internet Service Provider

Posted on:2014-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2256330401959017Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development and wide application of Internet, people can gaininformation convenient with the network,which has completely changed the copy works andmeans of communication. In recent years, along with the copyright field constantlyexpanding and network tort cases rising, the legal liability of Internet service provider in thenetwork infringement is being concerned. In order to solve the network infringement cases,many countries have formulated relevant laws and regulations. China’s existing relevantlaws and regulations, the ISP indirect infringement liability, is more dispersed, not enoughto solve the problem of the existing network copyright indirect infringement. The healthydevelopment of the network world has become an important factor to build a harmonioussociety, how to use legal means to protect the healthy development of Internet copyright,how to balance the rights between the transmission and the network service provider to theinterests of both sides, the works, has become a new topic of the times.This paper starts from the basic theory of indirect infringement of Internet serviceproviders for copyright, and using the method of comparative study, analysis the system ofindirect infringement of copyright of foreign Internet services, case analysis has theimportant case of social influence, and then introduces the present research situation inChina, some suggestions to improve the system of indirect infringement and to our countrynetwork service provider copyright. This article is divided into several parts:The introduction part, the background and the significance of the tort responsibility ofInternet service provider, as well as the research ideas and methods.The first part starts from the ISP indirect copyright infringement of the basic theory,analysis of network service providers, the definition of indirect infringement, tort liabilityand tort liability mode.The second part discusses the imputation principle, indirect infringement liabilityconstitution, principle of imputationforeignapplicable,and our countryshould applytherules.The third partuses introduces thelegislative and judicial condition ofnationaladvancedcountriesindirecttort liability system.Mainly introducedthe United States"DigitalMillennium Copyright Law",in the relevant provisionsandstandards.Through the analysis oftypical caseverdict,theindirect infringementliability systemof the "safe harbor"rule hasadeeper understanding.The fourthpartintroduces our countryInternet service providerliability of indirectinfringementsystem legislation and in the judicialpractice,focus on the analysis oftheprovisions ofthe tort liabilityof networkof tort liability law.At the end of the fifth partisour country about theinfringement of Internet serviceproviderliability system deficiencies,proposes someshallow views.The duty of careincludesthe construction ofthe mechanism of balancing of interests,perfect the indirecttortliabilitylegislation andclearnetworkservice providers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network copyright, Network service providers, Indirect infringementliability
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