With the rapid development of network technology, our life has changed a lot.Not only the communication between people is more and more convenient andefficient, the distance between each other is much close, thanks to the Internet, itmakes great contribution on people’s way of life and life form. But, in the nature ofinfringing others’ privacy, the development of network technology make the networkprivacy protection become a new topic.By giving some famous examples on the internet at the beginning, this papercomes straight to the point that how to keep balance between human flesh search andinternet privacy right protection. On that basis, I discuss that as a normal net citizen,how to protect ourselves and our country and our society can do what to protect usfrom internet privacy right violating. This article focuses on researching on theconflicts between human flesh search engine and the network right of privacy fromthe angle of law, how to keep balance, how to limit human flesh search engine fromthe perspective of law of tort, and how to protect the right of privacy in all.This paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter focuses on the concept,characteristics and the value conflict of human flesh search and network privacy, letthe readers to have a deeper level of understanding. The second chapter, mainlydiscusses how to keep balance between human flesh search and network privacy, andcome to conclusion that human flesh search should be restricted. In the third chapter,discusses the solutions about how to protect citizen privacy, and make introduction ofthe foreign privacy protection experience, finally, I discuss about the current situationof the privacy protection in our country and the corresponding improvementmeasures. |