Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four important skills.As a king ability, writing is of great importance for all the learners.Therefore, research into teaching methods of writing is widely done.However, in China English writing can’t be well valued in schooleducation. At the same time, there exist many serious problems inteaching of English writing. The first revolution arose in the United Statesof America in the1970s, when cooperative learning is applied intowriting of teaching and its effect is widely seen by lots of teachers as ateaching theory and strategy. As we all know, theory is based on practice.In the mid of1970s and1980s, the teacher--centered classroom isreplaced by a students-centered classroom, where group work is able topromote interaction, produce motivation and increase personal writingability. The research is intended to prove that cooperative teaching willwin advantages over traditional teaching.This paper covers five chapters: In the first chapter, the authorindicates the significance of English writing and points that there aresome present problems existing in English writing teaching in seniormiddle schools. Then, the purpose and significance of the study arepresented. Next, literature reviews including the concept, the basicelements, and benefits of cooperative learning are seen as the theoreticalbasis of this research. The third chapter covers the theoretical frameworkof cooperative theories, the process approach as well as some basicprinciples about training writing in senior middle schools. The followingcontents show methodology. As the approaches of researching,experiments and the questionnaires play important roles. Both traditionalteaching method and cooperative writing teaching methods are differentlyused in two Senior One classes in Hailar No.3Middle School. Pre-testand post-test were carried out in the experimental class and thecomparative class. Both before and after the experiment, there will be aquestionnaire that is about attitudes to writing. After that, the data are collected to help analyze the effectiveness of cooperative learning. Finally,with the analysis and discussion made, the result of the experiment isclear. The conclusion is that cooperative learning, namely, groupcooperative writing wins advantages over traditional teaching. It cangreatly promote learners’ writing ability especially for learners studyingEnglish as a foreign language. |