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On The Development Of Outward Sport And Expansion Project In Qingdao

Posted on:2012-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330395989707Subject:Physical Education Teaching
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Expansion, also known as the Outward Bound movement, this new "experiential" training exercise, is civilized, scientific, health, effective modern training methods, corporate team building to enhance the overall quality of staff and effective way. As the financial crisis and other environmental factors, the company reduced the degree of concern for staff training, the movement is at a standstill period, but also exposed the movement to expand the development of channels over a single issue. Through access to a large literature and found that the current movement to expand the development of research, mostly concentrated in the introduction of the reform of college sports programs and educational status of psychological research, but to promote development of the movement to expand the subject of very few. Therefore, I chose the Qingdao region development status and expanding the project to promote sports as a master’s thesis topic, the purpose is to expand the sport in a more complete understanding of the origin and current state of development of Qingdao Development Movement, based on the rationalization proposals, in order to expand sport in Qingdao development and promotion of a useful reference.In this study the integrated use of literature, expert interviews, field trips, logical analysis and other research methods, the origin of the movement to expand the project content and classification, Qingdao development and understanding into the development of colleges and universities on the basis of very the following conclusions:1. Expand the sport originated in World War II, introduced into China in1989, the project is mainly used in the form of enterprises and institutions to carry out human resources training.2.2004to2008is to expand the development of sport in the heyday of Qingdao in2009by the economic crisis and other factors affecting the development into the trough.3. As to reduce the volume of business, training, market turmoil, training institutions and restructuring have, for various reasons is not conducive to the sound development of the sport,Qingdao trying to expand on the current development and promotion of sports to make a few suggestions:1. The establishment of professional regulatory bodies regulating the market, training programs need to be updated to develop professional teachers, to promote the development of the project.2. Expand the movement into the university, to promote physical education curriculum reform, support the ideological quality of education.3. Get rid of human resources training to carry out this unique form part of the general public to promote the project to the community for community groups to add recreational sports, promote social harmony.This expanding movement of Qingdao development of the research and development and promotion of its proposed several recommendations aimed at expanding the development and promotion campaign to provide a useful reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expansion of sports, college, community, Qingdao
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