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From Collective Consensus To Collective Deadbeat:Farmers’ Collective Action In Different Places-using The Case Of The H Team Of Hu Village In The North Hunan Province To Build Road For Example

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428467125Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the reform and open policy, social and economic rapid development, and the countryside is in a state of "development", the rapid change of society makes the rising number of collective action, analysis the reasons behind the farmers’collective action, is of great significance for transformation of Chinese grass-roots governance. In central China normal university, China’s rural institute "watch" the village in the process, I ordered-WuZhu lake for research of the village autonomy roads for hui group "collective failure" in the event attracted me. As for the deep understanding of the things I found, independent WuZhu lake village road, in the process of villagers for raising funds to build roads, by the beginning of the "collective" transition in order to later "collective failure", analysis the hui nationality group of villagers "collective failure" the cause of behavior, contribute to a better understanding of the current our country rural social farmers’collective action causes and conditions. The article adopts the method of case study on lake WuZhu hui group collective financing roads by agreement, to the villagers’collective anger, to the collective refusal to show the process of the road, found in road incident, farmers’collective action has experienced three different fields, different field farmers’collective action logic according to the field. And "collective failure" to explore the cause of the team members, sums up the villagers’collective action power and conditions.In this paper, based on the fieldwork in the process of material, use "event-process" method described WuZhu lake for hui group by the "collective" to "collective anger" to the whole process of "collective failure", using the literature review, introducing case-describing process-analysis of induction-come to the conclusion "train of thought to research. WuZhu lake village, the villagers schiscosomiasis road building as clues, the application of relevant knowledge of collective action, was summarized and explained, finally it is concluded that crew members’collective action to achieve power and conditions. To enrich the existing farmers’collective behavior research has important significance.By WuZhu lake for hui group of villagers "collective failure" analysis, the article get on farmers’collective action to realize the two driving force and an important condition. Team members on the road of common demand is the power of their collective financing, that is to say, the villagers of village roads is a public goods demand, the reason of the villagers’collective action is implemented. Followed by individual rationality is the power of villagers "collective" depend on another, that is to say, the villagers’rational calculation is another reason of collective action implemented. Finally is hui group "means" qualities, is the important condition of the villagers’collective action, that is to say, a particular village qualities, is the important conditions of production of the villagers’collective action.
Keywords/Search Tags:schiscosomiasis, Quasi-public goods, Group rationality, Collectivedefault
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