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The Remote Video Monitoring System Based On Embedded Linux

Posted on:2015-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428965142Subject:Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the integrated application of information technology in different industry,videomonitoring has been more and more attention at home and abroad. With the continuousdevelopment of the embedded technology,network communication technology,multimediatechnology,video monitoring system is developing in the direction of the miniaturization,digitalization and intelligent.The integrated application based on the embedded technology,videocodec technology and network transmission control technology has become a core technology inthe field of digital network video acquisition monitoring.Considering the demands of miniaturization,reliability and scalability,especially the practicalrequirements,this system is on the ARM embedded development platform,designs and realizes theremote video monitoring system based on embedded Linux.The system is based on embeddedLinux and S3C2440controller as the core paltfoem,built Web server Boa and video server by theembedded platform.Based on TCP/IP socker programming to achieve network communication,theUSB camera collected image data compression and transmission through the networktransmission to the video server to the client.The client can accept the consecutive frames andcomplete,according to available to the user a browser with Java plug-in implementation of remotemonitoring purposes.This paper takes ARM9as the core hardware platform and develops a remote videomonitoring system based on embedded Linux while the key technologies are discussed andstudied. First introduces the current development of video monitoring system at home andabroad,gives the system overall design scheme of software and hardware,and for the systemhardware the uboot-1.16modification and transplantation,the Linux2.6.30.4kernel compliationand transplantation and making Yaffs2filesystem has also done a through research,focus on theembedded application development and use of Linux provides the new generation Video ForLinux Two function realization of Video data acquisition and compression.Secondly,in applicationdevelopment and under Linux system introduces multi-thread communication and socketprogramming based on TCP/IP protocol deeply,realizes the network sending of video data.Finallyemphatically discusses the design of the embedded Web server Boa and transplant,write the videoWeb site monitoring host interface program to realize the video monitoring system based on B/Smode structure.This system is developed based on embedded platfoem,uses the modular designmethod. Due to high stability and good expansibility,it is advantageous for the system upgrade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embedded Linux, Video Monitoring, Multi-thread Communication, TCP/IP
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