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Study On The Relationship Between Knowledge Transfer And Output Of High-tech Industry Based On Panel Data

Posted on:2015-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428971502Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Knowledge economy based on information technology-based developed rapidly in1990s, and knowledge economy became the most important driving forces to accelerate the development of traditional industrial economy. However, it is the result to absorb the experiences of success to get the industrialized successes for any industrialized country. High-tech industries which established on the basis of the high-tech are the production and service sectors relying on high-tech research and development of high-tech achievements. High technology and industrialization became the important ways and directions for every country to get higher economic competitiveness. Knowledge economy reveals the importance of the knowledge for economic development, and the development of high-tech industry is the core of the knowledge economy. Industrial agglomeration can create economic advantages of a region. The study of knowledge transfer on high-tech industrial development is important because agglomeration is a process of gathering knowledge transfer.In this dissertation, a production function was built considering high-tech industry investment and staff input. Panel data mold was built through unit root test based on the data of30provinces2000-2010tech cities. The long-term equilibrium relationship between high-tech industrial fixed assets, personnel and knowledge transfer between the input and output of high-tech industry conducted were empirical researched. The results showed that investment, investment in staff and an increase in funding for knowledge transfer of fixed assets of high-tech industries can significantly promote economic growth in high-tech industries; High-tech industries showed a significant impact on high-tech investment industry growth in Beijing, Tianjin, Hainan, Shanghai and other places. The average level of input and output of high-tech industry in the western region of are lower than the eastern region. The state should increase its investment in high-tech industries in the western region. Inter-provincial exchanges should be strengthened in order to strengthen economic development of high-tech industries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge production function, Knowledge transfer, High-tech industries, Panel data
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