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Conjugated Polymers Based On Boron-dipyrromethene Chromophores

Posted on:2015-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2271330452969895Subject:Chemical Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene(BODIPY)conjugated polymer is anew research field in recent years. It includes homo-polymers and copolymers ofBODIPY. Because of its unique conjugated structure and tunable electronic propertyby functionalization, BODIPY can be polymerized into new material with variousfunctions.This paper summarized the preparation methods, structure-function relationshipand application fields of BODIPY-based conjugated polymer, and proposedreasonable strategies of design and preparation, application prospect. In this researchthree new EDOT modified BODIPY monomers were synthesized and their propertieswere tested.Then three polymers were yielded with the three BODIPY monomers bychemical polymerization. Compared with the monomers, these polymers absorptionspectra are broadened and band gaps are reduced, which are indicative of extendedπ-conjugation in the polymer. Electrochemical method was used in the polymerizationof the three BODIPY monomers, meanwhile, forming three types of polymer films onthe electrode. These polymers have the possibility to be used as electronic material.
Keywords/Search Tags:Boron-dipyrromethene, BODIPY, conjugated polymer, chemicalpolymerization, electrochemical polymerization
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