The main content of this thesis is about high efficiency power supply of high powersemiconductor laser. High power semiconductor lasers are widely used in industrialprocessing and as laser pump, and the characteristic of semiconductor laser driver powersupply has a large effect on performance and application of the lasers. Therefore, it hasimportant practical significance to research and develop on high efficiency power supply ofhigh semiconductor laser.In this thesis, According to the disadvantages of traditional LD module driver powersupply of current domestic market, research and development a high efficiency power supplyof LD module based on phase-shift full bridge ZVS and synchronous current-doublerrectifier, which can reduce power loss and improve the efficiency of power supply.Working around the design of LD module driving power supply, the plan proof andfeasibility is given. A detailed analysis of the power topology, working principle, controllingmode and protection circuit has been described. Based on the analysis of circuit theory,established the mathematical model of LD module driving power supply including maincircuit and control loop, Using Matlab to establish the system Bode diagram, analyze thestability of the system, then simulated the circuit through PSPICE. The correctness andfeasibility of the research is verified by the simulation result of Matlab and PSPICE.The hardware circuit of power system has been built, and carried out experimental study.Through the experiment, proves that new LD module driving power has high efficiency andgood output characteristics. The design of LD driving power supply has maximum power1200W with output current adjustable0-50A and full load efficiency more than90%. At thesame time compared the efficiency of synchronous rectifier and diode rectifier, proves thatsynchronous rectifier has high efficiency. Finally, summarize the experience in the design ofpower supply system, and puts forward the improvement direction of the power supplysystem. |