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The "vulgarization" Of Book Title On Popular Culture Vision

Posted on:2015-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WuFull Text:PDF
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Popular culture is a form of cultural history in the human culture development. Alongwith the reform and opening up, this cultural trend began to integrate into the Chinese market,and gradually penetrated into every aspect of people’s daily lives. Popular culture itself has acommercial, secular, entertainment and market other features. Under the influence of thiscultural values, the vulgarization of book title emerge in the book publishing, it deliberateappeal to low popular taste.This article is starting from the perspective of popular culture, investigate and analyzethe vulgarization of book title in the publication of reform and opening up emerging, thephenomenon is explained not only the appearance and evolution, and combine multipledisciplines feminism, western sexology and psychology theories to political and economicreasons, social cultural reasons and psychological roots of origin behind the phenomenon.Moreover, the article innovative use language and rhetoric to analyze the phenomena typicalrhetorical strategy. The article pointed out the danger of phenomenon for our readers, thepublishing industry, culture and social development,so must take this into combat frommultiple legal, economic, administrative, and other self-discipline and supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:Popular Culture, Book Publishing, Book Title, Vulgarization
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