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Poems And Essays Of The Same

Posted on:2015-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431486609Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Lin Geng is a famous poet and scholar in20th-century China. His theoreticalstudies on modern poetry and metrical poetry have played an important role in thehistory of contemporary Chinese literature. Furthermore, Lin also holds his own in thefield of ancient literature, holding profound, systematic, and original ideas thatprovide historical insights on a variety of Chinese literature, including "Chu Ci"and Tang poetry.The topic of this thesis is mainly a research study on Lin Geng’s poems and hispoetry theories. Poetry has been accompanying Lin all his life, bringing a poetic senseto the way he lives. Because he also studies poetry theory, this theoretical perspectiveinforms Lin’s life as well. Therefore, in order to properly research the creation of hispoetry and poetics, one must study both Lin’s poetic and rational life.There have been many poets in the history of contemporary Chinese literature,some writing modern poetry and others metrical poetry. Few metrical poets, however,have moved to modern poetry, instead choosing to remain dedicated to the study ofmetrical poetry theory. Wen Yiduo, a metrical poet, advocated the concept of the“Three Beauties”: painting, music, and architecture. Wen promoted his views mainlythrough imagery, rhythm, and homogeneous sentences, which has exerted greatinfluence on the poetry of the New Moon School, and grounded his study of metricalpoetry mainly in the standard poetic concepts of rhetoric, rhythm, and form.Lin Geng’s study of metrical poetry was mainly based on a classical model ofstudying verse and language. He attended Tsinghua University in the1930, where hemajored in physics. Lin wanted to uncover the secrets of universe through physics,but he gradually found the scientific method too pale. He then decided to explore lifeand the universe in an artistic way, releasing his soul through the means of poetry. Itwas at this point in his life that Lin entered the poetic world.Since graduating from Tsinghua University, Lin Geng has taught at TsinghuaUniversity, Xiamen University, Yanjing University, and Peking University. Althoughhe has spent more time studying ancient literature while teaching at these schools, Linhas still persevered in creating poetry and conducting research on poetic theory. Themain feature in his poetry writing and study of poetry theory is their basis in classicalpoetry, particularly borrowing from “Chu Ci” in his study of metrical poetics, whichform the “rhythm group,”“Ban Dou rhythm,” and the nine-word poetry that Linfound, based on Chinese poetic form. These have had far-reaching impact and havepromoted poetry as an art that can truly “embrace life” and lead to prosperity.Finally, this section ends with a consideration of the value and significance ofLin Geng’s poetry creation and poetic research. Lin’s poetry is divided into modernpoetry and metrical poetry. He wrote most of his modern poetry while he was auniversity student, capturing “the most direct experience of life with the most originallanguage” and reflecting some of the contemporary modern poetry writers at that time.Lin’s greatest contribution is his poetry creation and poetic theory. In practice hecreated metrical poetry and summed up a poetic theory of metrical poetry. Although Lin dedicated his whole hermit-like life to studying metrical poetry, thus facingsuspicions and criticisms from others, he resisted the social pressure and persisted inhis studies on poetic theory of metrical poetry. This was a period when manydemanded that poetry be a helpful voice of the times, so the most popular poems wereendowed with sociality and politics. As Lin adhered to his own creation and studies,he had to struggle against the unpopular opinion of his subject matter, hoping theywould stand the test of time. Now that times have changed, hopefully people will findthe true value of Lin’s poetry and work. Today some people desire materialisticsuccess, while others seek after purer, more poetic goals. Modern society can findmuch value in Lin’s precious poetic quality and poetry character, which will keepreaders alert to the pursuit of spiritual values and true “liberation” It’s obvious thatthere is so much value in studying Lin Geng’s poetry and poetics.This thesis is divided into five chapters.The Introduction discusses the current research on Lin Geng, at home and abroad,along with research methods, research characteristics, innovation, and a discussion ofthe practical meaning and value of this topic.The first chapter researches the meaning and historical contribution of LinGeng’s exploration in metrical poetry. Its value and significance is mainly dividedinto three parts. First, Lin’s impact on young developing poets, such as Zhu Yingyan.Second, the manner in which Lin’s study on poetry all though his life makes “newpoetry as brilliant as Tang poetry” and thereby encourages poetry to truly “embracelife” and prosper. Third, an examination of Lin’s “soul of universe” and “liberation oflife” in an effort to discovery his poetic quality and timely value. These characteristicsare analyzed in context of Lin’s creation of metrical poetry and exploration on poetrytheory, which, because of its singularity and isolation, still needs time to test.The second chapter focuses on how Lin Geng mainly wrote free verse during histime at Tsinghua University and how, upon gradually discovering the plight thatmodern poetry was facing, then in1935turned to metrical poetry, which he alwaysadhered to in his study on poetry creation and poetics. All throughout this period,some people questioned and criticized Lin’s poetry and poetics. This chapter mainlyaddresses these criticisms and is divided into two parts: the first being an examinationof some criticisms about Lin’s free verse, the other an examination of some criticismsabout Lin’s metrical poetry and poetry theory. To reveal the farfetchedness in Lin’scriticisms as well as the charm and value of his poetry and poetics, this chapterdemonstrates that Lin’s work can face all criticisms and stand the test of time.The third chapter introduces and analyzes Lin Geng’s poetic sources. Thethoughts and decisions of any person are always influenced by the family and socialenvironment of one’s youth. Similarly, this chapter explores how Lin’s poetic sourcesare a reflection of his family background and the social culture that surrounded him,with the youthful poetic atmosphere at his Alma Master Tsinghua campus alsocontributing to Lin’s practice in poetry creation.The fourth chapter mainly contextualizes the poetics of Lin Geng in his rationalpursuit of a poetic life. Li’s metrical poetic theory is divided into two parts. The firstis the poetics of his metrical poetry verse. Lin began writing free-verse in1931but then realized that poetry was facing a dilemma of becoming too prosed. In order tobetter establish poetry’s position, Lin decided to write metrical poetry in1935. Sincethen, Lin began summarizing his metrical poetic theory in the practice of writingpoetry. Lin’s metrical poetic theory can be divided into three parts: the decisiveness of“rhythm group,” the universality of “Bandou rhythm,” and national form ofnine-character poems. The second part is Lin’s linguistic theory of poetry “to explainthe profound in simple language” and provide “standardization.” These points areimportant when establishing poetry’s position, because poetry’s emotional voicedepends on language for its conveyance and will move poetry from a prosaic to apoetic tendency.The fifth chapter studies the unique charm of Lin Geng’s poetry itself. Thischapter examines Lin’s metrical poetry from three perspectives. The first examinesclassical poetry, which Lin studied while writing metrical poetry and thus has a greatinfluence on his work; both styles convey rapid progress and an intertwined state. Thesecond perspective looks at metrical poetry theory other poets, like He Qifang, as wellas other poetry schools like New Moon School. The third perspective examines the“modern beauty” of Lin Geng’s metrical poetry in order to understand “the poeticspace” of his metrical and poetic life.The Conclusion discusses how, although Lin Geng’s poetry and poetics has somedeficiencies, the value and significance of his exploration of metrical poetry is full ofvalue and will certainly stand the test of time. With the future study of metrical poetrybeing a wide and vast road, it will certainly exhibit Lin’s idea that poetry will not onlybecome more and more prosperous but will also “embrace life and liberate life.”...
Keywords/Search Tags:Lin Geng, metrical, poetry poetics, liberate soul and life, times value
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