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Green Consumdtion:the Moral Connotations Of Traditional Consumption Concepts Of Dai Deople In Xishuangbanna

Posted on:2016-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P BianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis selects the theme of traditional consumption morality of Dai People based in Xishuangbanna prefecture, and illustrates its moral significance and enlightenment on modern society. Modern society is full of unreasonable consumption concepts, which have caused many negative effects. Modern society is organized and centered on consumption. In the context of economic globalization, consumption morality is faced with a huge dilemma. Consumerism is one of the value and life style in consumer society. Influenced by the consumerism and traditional narrow-minded linear-growth economic development concept, human beings are destructing and intervening the natural process of global biosphere, which makes the ecological environment worse and worse. Human beings are conducting the consuming activities at the cost of damaging the natural environment and over-exhausting all kinds of natural resources. As a result, green environmental-friendly lifestyles of Dai People are good ways to save the ecological crisis and solve the consumption morality dilemma. The traditional consumption morality of Dai People has great enlightenment on ecological environment protection and the establishment of the right view on "Happiness".The content of this thesis is divided into five parts:The first part is the "Introduction", which illustrates the consumption morality dilemma nowadays: prevailing consumerism, coexisting under-consumption and overconsumption, unreasonable consumption structure and deterioration of ecological environment as well as intra-generational and inter-generational equity deficiency. Then, it briefly describes the consumption of Dai people based on relevant researches from home and abroad. The second part illustrates the traditional consumption morality of Dai People in details, which includes the following six aspects:their diet, accommodation, funeral, forest protection, water conservation and hunting. The third part analyzes it from the philosophical perspective.Based on these above-mentioned illustrations, the fourth part of the thesis reveals the enlightenment of the traditional consumption morality of Dai People on modern society, namely, the transformation of our production ways and lifestyles, the enlightenment on ecological environment protection and the establishment of the right view on Happiness. The fifth part is the conclusion, which expresses the wish that people could adhere to moderate, reasonable and green concepts during the process of consumption.This thesis is characterized with its research content and research method.The traditional consumption morality of Dai People is a rarely mentioned theme. This thesis starts from the theme and tries to reveal its enlightenment on modern society by analyzing the consumption customs, consumption practices and consumption morality of Dai People. As to the research method, this thesis mainly used documentation. This thesis widely collected relative research results (including academic works, textbooks, journal articles especially the latest research results) about the traditional consumption concepts, ethics theories&methods of Dai People. This thesis gets new inspiration and instruction on the theme through identifying, organizing and analyzing these above-mentioned research results. It strives for a higher level of accomplishment after absorbing the ideas of previous research results.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional consumption morality of Dai People, Green consumption, moral connotations
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