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The Dialectical Relation Of Green Economy Development And Establishing Ecological Civilization

Posted on:2016-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the eighteenth national congress of the CPC,the ecological civilization construction will be showcased in a more systematic, more perfect face to the broad masses of the people. Therefore, the authorities are desperate for the study of the dialectical relationship between the construction of ecological civilization and green economy development. Within the ultimate goal of Construction of ecological civilization, the green transformation of economic development will follow the thought of ecological civilization construction, pursue low energy consumption, low pollution, low emission of the economic development, and take care of the carrying capacity of resources and environment and the development of the ecosystem.This thesis is divided into four parts: the first chapter mainly discusses the connotation of green economy development and its ethics core, from the evolution of the concept of development and the concept of green economy and green economy development and characteristics, to the multidimensional detailed interpretation of the green economic development and the ethical kernel from an ethical point of view; The second chapter focuses on the evolution of human civilization, the inheritance and the connotation of the ecological civilization ethics. And independently expounds the important content of ecological civilization construction in our country and the urgency and necessity of chinese choice of ecological civilization construction; The third chapter the dialectically analyse the mutual connection and difference and the inner dialectical unity between the development of green economy and ecological civilization construction; The fourth chapter go back to the reality, green the transformation of economic development model promote construction of ecological civilization, leading to a more comprehensive, in-depth and clear know of their dialectical relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:green economy, development, ecological civilization, dialectic relationship, ethics
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