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Concept Of Landscape Painting And Landscape Oil Painting Creation

Posted on:2017-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WanFull Text:PDF
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Content: Painting as a form of art, through the description of the feeling to express the aspirations of the spiritual world, and oil painting as one form of painting, different subject matter and technique of expression can show different emotions and ideas, and landscape painting theme as the objective description of the object, though not as character themes as a scene or story, but the objective existence, in the art of the beauty of the scenery is the nature of human love the inevitable result. Since ancient times, the Oriental landscape as a carrier of people’s spiritual sustenance and ideological and emotional expression in China has formed a unique Chinese traditional aesthetic concept of landscape painting.Due to cultural differences and geographical constraints, Chinese landscape painting philosophy indispensable affects the contemporary Chinese landscape painting art creation, including the theme selection, the use of painting language, perspective composition arrangement, and artistic expression, and so on, study China’s landscape painting philosophy can be better in accordance with the aesthetic features of Chinese humanistic feelings of scenery oil painting creation. In this paper, the feelings of my graduation creation and experience, Chinese landscape painting philosophy applied to my graduation creation, from the material, composition, color, modeling and performance practices in-depth exploration with the characteristics of oil painting to express with ideas of landscape painting of Chinese humanistic spirit.
Keywords/Search Tags:Idea of landscape painting, a literary creation artistic conception, Aesthetic characteristics
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