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Through The Problem Of Observation Method In Chinese Landscape Painting Sketch,Discuss The Importance For Landscape Painters To Culture The "Poetry Heart"

Posted on:2017-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485958513Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The article is aimed at the problem that current Chinese landscape painting is similar to the western landscape painting, by comparing the difference between the Chinese landscape painting and western landscape painting, to explore the misuse of “perspective” in Chinese landscape painting. Start from the observation method of Chinese landscape painting, today’s painters should pay attention to training “poetry heart” and regain the importance of traditional Chinese landscape painting’s poetry. To solve this problem, on the one hand, it should be rectified on the observation method of sketch and take the method of San-yuan as the main body. Painters should take their imaginations as the core, use “see by eyes and remember by heart”as the method, build on the original proportion from the image,use the observation method of “sightseeing”to build a Landscape of the Mind that “observe mountain‘s trend from multi-angle, appreciate mountain’s shape step by step, can live,can travel”.Then Chinese landscape painting will enter a kind of realm that painters can “operation” freely. On the other hand, today’s Chinese landscape painters should pay more attention to culture the "poetry heart", integrate poetry into Chinese landscape painting creation, and really experience the feeling of “ the heart source outside nature”,cause the Chinese landscape painting to more uniqueness and spiritual pursuit of Chinese traditional painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Insight", "San-yuan", The difference between the landscape painting and landscape, Sightseeing, "Poetry"
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