Reform of Country Empowerment is to transfer more powers related to economicand social administration to the counties from the prefecture with changing the currentadministrative structure.In2007, Shaanxi Province was carried out the first round of county empowermentreform. Hu County and other fourteen counties had been selected to be the pilot countiesfor the first round of county empowerment reform. Seven approval powers had beengiven to the counties. In2009, the second round of county empowerment reform wascarried out. Fugu County and other four counties were selected onto the reform list. Inthe basic of the current reforms in Shaanxi Province, Further45approval times in respectof14areas had been given to the counties. Despite the reforms in the past six years andthe progress achieved, the reforms in Shaanxi Province are still need further and deeperreforms.Zhejiang Province and Shaanxi Province have been pioneers in countyempowerment reform and have achieved many successful experience could be learned byShaanxi Province. This essay will study thoroughly the progress of the current reforms inShaanxi Province regarding county empowerment, analyze the experiences of Sichuanand Zhejiang Provinces, and then will propose suggestions to reform policies in respectof thoughts liberation, empowerment implementation improvement, pilot countyenlargement, giving more powers, giving more support, check and supervision systemestablishment, enhancing other relevant reforms. |