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Research On The System Of Help-education Of Juvenile Delinquent

Posted on:2014-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330425979148Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of this paper is to improve the help-education system of juvenile delinquent in "Justice· society" mode. Help-education system of juvenile delinquent has the characteristics of sociality and judiciary, which absorb social forces to participate in the handling of juvenile delinquency. To achieve the purpose of protect and promote the healthy growth of juvenile delinquent, many defects of help-education system of juvenile delinquent need to be solved and improved.The paper consists of the five components:The first part is overview of help-education system of juvenile delinquent. The first is the definition of related concepts. Delinquency included not only acts that would be crimes if an adult committed them, but also behavior that would be considered deviant in adults, such as truancy or running away from home. The minors who acted delinquency are called juvenile delinquent. Then, the following section analyses the meaning of help-education, from its object, subject, purpose, content, methods, etc. Help-education is all sorts of activities that social forces help and educate juvenile delinquent by means of its resources and skills, in order to protect the healthy growth of juvenile delinquent. The second analyses its features of sociality and judiciary, this feature is the basis of improving the help-education system of juvenile delinquent.The second part is fundamental basis of help-education system of juvenile delinquent. First, help-education system is inevitable for socialization of juvenile delinquent. Youth is the most important period of the socialization of people. Delinquency hindered the process of socialization of juvenile. Help-education system is the system of "justice·society" mode, it gives full consideration to particularity of juvenile delinquency and emphasizes that education is better than punishment for juvenile delinquent. Help-education system persists the principle of teenager’s best interests and help juvenile delinquency to complete smoothly the socialization process. Second, help-education system is the necessary requirement to prevent juvenile delinquency. Prevention of juvenile delinquency has important strategic significance to the prevention of the crime of society as a whole. The prevention work of juvenile delinquency is equal to directly reduce the adult criminal. The role of government to prevent juvenile delinquency has its limitation so that social forces need to participate in comprehensive management. Help-education system is a stable mechanism of juvenile delinquency prevention, which needs to be combined with the justice department and the power of the social forces.The third part introduces the basic situation of China’s help-education system of juvenile delinquent. Under the background of the work plan for prevention of juvenile delinquency, help-education system of juvenile delinquent emerged and gradually developed, through independent development of the judicial power and social power to integration. Help-education system of juvenile delinquent has many problems that include the legislative defects, incoordinate subjects, formal measures etc. At the root of these problems is that people don’t set up the basic principles and concepts of juvenile judicial and that some juvenile justice systems are flawed. Government purchase social work services in Beijing and Shanghai. Justice social worker involve in judicial procedure in order to provide services for juvenile delinquent. It represents the future trend of the development of the help-education system of juvenile delinquent and has reference significance to the improvement of the help-education system.The fourth part discusses the improvement of the help-education system of juvenile delinquent. The law should be clearly stipulated that help and education is the litigation rights of juvenile delinquent. The content of help-education is so widespread that help-education’s rights aren’t specific range. It is no doubt that education measures belong to help-education’s rights of community correction. These systems that appropriate adults participate in interrogation and education in court are the reflection of help-education’s rights. Legislative provisions provides legal path to participate in juvenile judicial proceedings for social forces, so as to better implement the help-education system. The status and role of help-education’s subjects are different. Public security organs, procuratorial organs, courts are the coordinator and organizers of help-education; Department of community correction and judicial social work organization are the main executor of help-education; Family is the foundation of help-education; The streets, villagers ’committees, residents’ committee are responsible for the integration of community resources, so as to ensure the material supplies and conveniences for help-education. Through the establishment of help-education’s network strengthen the cohesion and coordination of help-education’s subject. Social treatment System of juvenile delinquent mainly includes non-penalty and non-imprisonment. Social treatment system creates opportunities for social forces to help and educate juvenile delinquent. Applicable rate of social treatment system reflects the situation of the implementation of the help-education of juvenile delinquents. The improvement of social treatment system has important significance for implement the activities of help-education.The fifth part is practice operation of the help-education system of juvenile delinquent. This section discusses help-education system from its social features. In general, to implement help-education of juvenile delinquent, social worker must do the following work:signing help-education’s agreement, collecting information of juvenile delinquent, carrying out the activities of help-education, following up help-education’s object, evaluating work of help-education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Juvenile delinquent, Help-education system, Help-education’s rights, Help-education’s subjects, Treatment system
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