Climate change is one of the topics of most concern in the international community.Global climate change not only affects the survival of the human environment, butalso restricts the development of the world economy and the progress of the society.Now, climate change is not only scientific and technological problems, it also haspolitical, economic and security issues between countries. In order to mitigate climatechange, sustainable development, the international community has adopted the "UnitedNations Framework Convention on climate change","Kyoto Protocol","trade relatedintellectual property rights agreement" and a series of global legal multilateral file, theinitial formation of the international legal system to address climate change issues.Then the international cooperation on climate change is growing, people have a commonsense, climate change technology (i.e. climate related environmental friendly technology)effectively transfers in the international is the most effective way to solve the currentclimate deterioration.However, the current situation of climate change technology transfer ininternational is not optimistic, the game in this field in developed and developingcountries are growing. How to resolve the conflict between the two sides, the norms ofinternational market, to promote the smooth transfer of climate Technology International,has become a very practical issue.The paper on this topic is divided into four parts:The first part, the "climate change","climate change technology" and other relatedconcepts, and emphasizes the importance of climate change international transfer oftechnology corresponding to the current situation of climate change. At the same time,from different angles, analyzes the present a major obstacle to international transfer ofclimate change issuesThe second part, current situation about climate change technology transfer ofinternational society is expounded from climate treaty system, the international tradingsystem in two different systems, and summarizes the latest development of internationaltechnology transfer of climate change.The third part, through the analysis of the current situation, pointed out therelevant treaty itself is insufficient, the legal system construction is not perfect, theinternational trade mechanism is not standard is the main shortcomings of currentclimate change legal mechanism of the international transfer of technology. The fourth part, the first three chapters and based on the discussion, proposed someadvices to perfect the basic principle, treaty system, trade rules and other aspects ofthe technology of current climate change international transfer legal mechanism. |