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The Personal Information Protection In Government Information Disclosure System

Posted on:2015-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z D WangFull Text:PDF
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Construction transparent government, acknowledged the governmentinformation disclosure is a necessary requirement and obligations for China’saccession to WTO. In the past, the government’s main task management is keepingstate secrets. Now with the acceleration of global information,this view began tochange our country In compliance with the conditions of guarding state secrets, thedisclosure of government information as possible, and to strengthen the protection ofpersonal information has become a trend. Now China has not a normative legalprotection of personal information, personal information protection system has not yetbeen fully established. There are provisions in Article25Protection of PersonalInformation in2008promulgated the "Regulations on Open GovernmentInformation," which is also for the development of future Personal InformationProtection Act provides the initial pilot, So this paper, the control section25PersonalInformation Protection Clause "Regulations", the first of which defines the basicproblems of government information disclosure of personal information protection,For example, the theoretical basis for the protection of personal information, Throughthe disclosure of government information and personal information protectionanalysis to clarify the relationship between the two, for the following studies will be agood framework. Then further clarify the status of personal information in the FOIcase, indicating that in our current administrative information disclosure under thepersonal information protection problems, Described in our current administrativeinformation disclosure under the personal information protection problems, Andin-depth analysis of the legal origin of this problem lies---is the value of options andbalance the interests of the public right to information legislation and citizen privacy,Through the method of comparative law through extraterritorial experience byanalyzing reference, analyze balance between efficiency and fairness in how tochoose, Finally recommendations, including improving government informationdisclosure of personal information protection mechanisms, From the point of view of substantive law, the development of government information disclosure law, thePersonal Information Protection Act interpretation, as well as open governmentinformation regulations, On the procedural law, the establishment of the relief systemis violated when personal information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information Disclosure, Information Self-determination, Value of Balance, Legislative Model, Independent Department
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