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The Reevaluation Of Legislation On Protection Of Personal Information In The Era Of Big Data

Posted on:2016-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330467499367Subject:Legal theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society, personal information plays an increasingly important role, the countries, business organizations, and netizens all do the personal information searching in certain extent for different purposes. The searched personal information is restored as the cyber personal information in the form of electronic version. It is virtual, digital, easy to spread, in scale, and comprehensive. The cyber personal information leakage is very likely to bring about a trail of trouble, such as the invasion of the information subject’s reputation and privacy, or the risk and trouble of fraud and harassment.The legislation of the personal information protection is still in the initial stage in China, and different districts has made the regional discovery in the legislation. Generally speaking, we do have problems such as legislative techniques roughness, vague legislation, and lack of effectiveness in operation. It seems we are badly in need of the introduction of personal information protection law in order to restrain this realm.Meanwhile, the rapid development of the internet technology brought a huge shock to the traditional law perspectives, and especially the coming of the big data era, made the lawyers have to pay more and more attention to the legislation of the internet realm. This article suggests that, we should first postpone the pace of the personal information legislation in the beginning of this era, and we should judge the lawful relations by using the law perspectives when the era is stable.
Keywords/Search Tags:personal information, Big data, Human flesh search, Legislationsuggestion
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