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Study On The County Administrative System Reform Of Nanjing National Government (from1927to1939)

Posted on:2016-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470453844Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The period of the Republic of China, is an important period when the trad itional society toward to the modern society. Actively or passively, The design o f political system and administrative system reform of the national government to the modernization of our country a step forward. Sun Zhong Shan’ local autono my theory, believes that the establishment of the Republic of China should be b ased on people, while the county as the relationship between the local governme nt and the people most closely, so the county as the basic unit of autonomy. Ther efore, the main goal of reform of the county system by the Nanjing national g overnment, is to create and improve the county and township (town) two level s of the administrative organization system and operation mechanism. The main contents of this paper include the county government administrative organization structure and operation mechanism as well as the local administrative system. A lthough, local autonomy was replaced by "official governance", make this reform d id not achieve the desired effect and ended in failure. The reform of the county system in the period of Republic of China is explored from the administrative p erspective, and revealed fully the modern organizational characteristics is meanin gful to deepen our understanding of China county government in political system, and to reveal the universal law of county government operational mechanism.The definition of the introduction part mainly introduces the background an d the topics of reason, research significance, research methods and ideas and conce pts, the overview. The second part of the theoretical basis, the local administrativ e system, and the realistic situation to analyze the government of county reform of national background. The third part mainly introduces the reform and adjustmen t of the county government administrative organization structure and operation mec hanism design in accordance with the "law" of the county. The fourth part focuse s on the construction of District, township administrative system,including local aut onomous region, township administrative system and the restoration of the "offici al governance" nature of the Bao Jia system. The fifth part, for the county syste m reform overall evaluation, including the analysis of the achievements made in the reform, and the cause of reform was not completely successful. In the last part, on the county system reform is summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:the period of the Republic of China, county reform
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