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Research On Special Procedure Measures Of Criminal And Human Rights Protection

Posted on:2016-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the revised Criminal Procedure Law added a specific criminal offense or specific suspects and defendants special procedural measures, such as technical investigation measures, illegal income confiscation procedures, assigned residence residential surveillance, special Meets system. These special procedural measures have legitimacy, but also has the possibility of natural infringement. Environmental protection of human rights and the rule of law as important as punishing crime, in particular procedural measures should reflect the content of the human rights of personal liberty, the right personality, a fair trial and reasonable rights and other remedies adequate protection. In order to apply special measures to achieve a particular crime control program purposes while maximizing protection of human rights, the need for special measures for the protection of human rights content of the program should have a rational understanding of the outstanding issues in the presence of special procedures applicable measures are cool-headed analysis, an overview of the current special program for the study of criminal measures, often based on favorable surface to study its judicial work carried out at the expense of human rights which have been or may result in the application process violations, this article based on the actual legislation and its judicial from the perspective of protecting human rights, to a particularly serious corruption and bribery, for example, from the special features of criminal procedural measures, the situation, the relationship between human rights protection, combined with judicial application of criminal law enforcement process generated special procedural measures to be demonstrated, from establishing principles apply special procedural measures, and strict limitations apply special procedural measures in case conditions, detailed special procedural measures applicable conditions and procedures for changing ideas investigation and detection modes, special procedural measures to improve the supervision mechanism applicable to guarantee suspects related explore solutions road rights litigation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Special procedure measures of criminal, Human rights protection, Major corruption and bribery
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