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Design The Volleyball Spiking Technique Teaching Strategies Based On Cognitive Load Theory And Experimental Study

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330431493281Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cognitive load theory is a new type of theory which derived from cognitive psychology.The theory pointed that human brain’s working memory capacity is limited, and when thebrain get more external information than working memory capacity,it may cause cognitiveload which affect the brain’s ability of recognizing and accepting things. In the teachingprocess, if the teachers can control the levels of students’ cognitive load effectively and avoidthe phenomenon of cognitive load exceeding in learning, then they will make the studentsalways full of load, improve the learning effect, and make sure that the teaching activitiesimplement effectively and develop smoothly. Cognitive load theory has developed rapidly inrecent years, and has achieved good results in the domain of our country’s education, such asEnglish, math and multimedia teaching. However, there is little research in physical educationat present, let alone the volleyball technique teaching. The volleyball technique teaching incolleges and universities mainly adopt the traditional method, emphasis on the role of teachersexcessively, ignore students’ subject status, and lack of consideration in students cognitionangle. Therefore, this study will introduce the cognitive load theory to the design of volleyballspiking skill teaching, discuss the internal connection between cognitive load and acquisitioneffect of volleyball spiking skill from the perspective of cognitive psychology, in order tooptimize the teaching strategy and achieve the positive effect of teaching activities.With the methods of literature research, interview, questionnaire, teaching experimental,statistics, logical analysis and other comprehensive research methods, the research assumethe sophomore students of volleyball general lessons in Wuhan Institute of Physical Educationas experimental object. Through analysis the experimental data, the research discussed theeffects of volleyball spiking skill optimizing on students’ achievement, motivation,cognitiveability,interest and the degree of self efforts which is based on cognitive load theory. Theresearch conclusion is as follows:1. Teaching strategies based on optimization design and results show that under theprinciples of cognitive load: Optimization of teaching strategies is good for reducing students’cognitive load, Creating the movement and concepts of spiking technique quickly, Improvingthe level of spiking of Acquisition of technology, At the same time, confirming the theory intothe teaching of volleyball technique is feasible and effective.2. Optimization of teaching strategies implemented in spiking technique teaching, It cancontrol the amount of cognitive load during students’ learning, avoiding cognitive overload, sothat students master correctly volleyball spiking technique under the full load state. 3. Optimization of teaching strategies implemented in spiking technique teaching, It canimprove students’ ability of cognitive concept, In order to achieve the normative of technicalactions, thus master motor skills effectively.4. Optimization of teaching strategies implemented in spiking technique teaching, It canstimulate students’ movement motivation, developing and enhancing students ’ learningmotivation and self-confidence, enhancing the interest and enthusiasm of teaching activitiesstudents take part in.5. Optimization of teaching strategies implemented in spiking technique teaching, It canoptimize the learning materials, in order to achieving the purpose of optimizing about theteaching process, in order to making the students pay the best mental effort in learning,improving learning efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cognitive load theory, teaching optimization strategy, volleyball spikingskill
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