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The Contrastive Research On The Situation Of Physical Exercise And Health On Xibo Minority Adult Groups In Xin Jiang

Posted on:2016-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330479975722Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the launch of public physique monitoring nationwide jointly started by the Mass Office of State Physical Culture Administration and the State National Physique Monitoring Center in 1994, adult physique survey since the reform and opening up has commenced. At the beginning, however, Xinjiang wasn’t listed in the areas to be monitored. Although the subsequent national physique monitoring in 2000 covered Xinjiang, it mainly focused on the Han people. The monitoring wasn’t implemented based on different ethnic groups. In 2001, Dean and Professor Wu Jie from Physical Culture Institute of Xinjiang Normal University carried out the physique survey aimed at the ethnic minorities inhabiting in Xinjiang, and applied for National Social Science Fund projects. Afterwards in 2002, he composed Adult Physique and Health Survey among the Seven Ethnic Groups of Xinjiang. The survey found that the Xibo people, who had been living in Chabuchaer Xibo Autonomous County of Xinjiang for generations, were good preservers and inheritors of their ancestors’ cultures.The comparative studies showed that there was a rapid growth in the number of hospitalized patients among the adult Xibo people in Xinjiang between 2002 and 2014, growing by 17.60%. Digestive disease, which used to be No.1 in morbidity, had been replaced by hypertension. Also there was a growth in the number of people, both man and woman, who began to smoke and drink, with woman leading the growth. Although the health condition seemed to be dissatisfying, yet people showed increasing interest in physical exercise. The number of weekly sport enthusiasts had risen by 26.44%, covering diversified events. Also the number of traditional archery enthusiasts had increased, going up from 0.28% to 4.02%. They would take up archery once or twice every week, with 30 to 60 minutes each time. Thus it can be concluded that unhealthy way of life is mainly to be blame for the health of adult Xibo people of Xinjiang. Although they have become increasingly aware of the importance of physical exercise, still it takes some time to make it an indispensible component of their life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contrast, Xinjiang, Xibo minority, Physical exercise, Health
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