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A Study On The Relationship Between Regional Differences In Guangdong Province’s Foreign Trade Development And Transformation And Upgrading

Posted on:2015-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422484286Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the years, foreign trade is the engine of economic growth in GuangdongProvince, Guangdong’s economy has also been a driving force for the rapid andstable development. In this paper, since the reform and opening up, GuangdongProvince, Guangdong ’s foreign trade development status of foreign trade under theregional development and the2008financial crisis, as the research background toexamine the relationship between the development of Guangdong ’s foreign tradetransformation and upgrading of regional differences with the main line, through therelevant foreign trade theory literature combing and comments, using qualitative andquantitative research describes the method of combining a detailed analysis of thestatus quo, Guangdong ’s foreign trade development area, changes in foreign tradedevelopment path characterized by regional differences, the establishment of thepanel based on this model, the integrated use of the method smooth test, cointegrationanalysis, on the relationship between regional differences in Guangdong ’s foreigntrade development and Guangdong ’s foreign trade transformation and upgrading ofempirical research, and come to the following conclusions: Frist,differences inregional development of foreign trade significantly, the transformation of foreigntrade to upgrade a negative effect; Second,foreign direct investment (FDI) to someextent, promoted the replacement and upgrading of foreign trade industry;Third,foreign trade transformation and upgrading of regional differences and effectrelationship between the two bias tends to diverge within the sample interval.Accordingly proposed narrowing differences in regional development of foreigntrade, optimize the structure of foreign investment, foreign trade and reasonablediversion of development resources, strengthen the backward areas of foreign traderestructuring, foreign trade policy recommendations to achieve regional harmony andsustainable development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Regional Differences, Transformation and Upgrade, Panel Model
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