In this paper, on the basis of existing theoretical research, I select Shihezi mobilecommunication marketing as a specific research project and take China mobileXinjiang Shihezi branch as the research object. After deep investigation of3Gcustomers current customer demand, customer loyalty situationof3G business and thevarious factors influencing the3Gcustomer loyalty, I put forward relevant strategieson the basis of the empirical evaluation to improve customer loyalty and3G mobilecompany’s own core competitiveness.Customer loyalty is currently a specific approach of management whichstressesthat "the customer is supreme", and embodies a kind of advanced managementassessment methods. I research on literature of the early market research resultsandanalyze various influencing factors of customer loyalty to establish a customer loyaltyevaluation model. Finally, I apply the results of customer loyalty assessment to theoperation and management process.This article is mainly involved in the study of strategic issues, and the researchmethods include quantitative and qualitative method, empirical and normative method,and abstract and concrete research methods. In this paper, I establish the customerloyalty evaluation model by using the theoretical methods on customer loyalty of theXinjiang Shihezi branch of China mobile’s3G users. I analyze the questionnaire databy using the SPSS software, and the main analytical methods include descriptiveanalysis, reliability and validity analysis, and correlation analysis.Through systematic study of customer loyalty theory, I summarize theimportance of influence factors of customer loyalty in3G: customer perceived value,customer trust, switching costs and the enterprise image. Supported by empiricalresearch, this paper concludes that3G users’ perceived value is the most importantfactor through analytic hierarchy process (AHP), followed by the customer trust andthe corporate image. In terms of customer perceived value, service quality is the mostimportant factor influencing the3G customers’ shopping experience. In terms ofcorporate image, mobile operators need to provide products and business to meet therequirements from3G users. In terms of customer trust,3G users attaches greatimportance to the development of long-term cooperationthrough trust and recognitionof mobile operators. In terms of switching costs, the reason that limits3G users to turnto other carriers is the effect of sunk costs. |