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The Research On Soft Switching Technology Of Interleaving Integrated Magnetics DC-DC Converter

Posted on:2015-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H GanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2322330482482504Subject:Power electronics and electric drive
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Soft switching technology is an important research direction of modern power electronic technology. It can effectively solve switching losses, switching noise, electromagnetic interference and other issues, which produced by switching devices. Also dramatically improve the working frequency of switching devices. A lot of research and application of soft switching technology pushe the continuous development of switching power supply, and soft switching technology’s position has become more apparent.Study the influence of symmetry coupled inductors for DC-DC converter, and taking 2-phase coupled inductance as an example. Anylyze the design criteria under Buck mode and Boost mode at the same time, and derived intrinsic correlation between them. Finally give the design criteria for bi-directional DC-DC converter.The two channel integration "I 王 I" structure of coupling inductance is presented, and detailed analysis of the proposed structure. Through the finite element simulation for proposed mode structure and experimental for prototype, demonstrate the validity of the theoretica and the superiorioty of the performence.A topology of DC-DC converter with snubber circuit is proposed, analyze working principle and working modes of the topology, deduced the formula of switching losses, conduction losses and extra conduction losses, then design coulpled indictor, snubber capacitor and duty cycle. The performance of the proposed topology structure is verified by experiment.
Keywords/Search Tags:soft switching technology, switching devices, coupled inductance, DC-DC converter, switching losses
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