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Development Of Microcapsule And Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Micelle Of The Sex Pheromone Of The Diamondback Moth,Plutella Xylostella(Linn.)

Posted on:2016-03-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S SunFull Text:PDF
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In this thesis,the microcapsule and amphiphilic block copolymers micelle of DBM sex pheromone were developed and their control-release capabilities were investigated,both the laboratory and field efficiencies of amphiphilic block copolymers micelle of DBM sex pheromone were tested and the control-release capability of DBM sex pheromone adsorbed into silicone rubber was studied.The results were as follows:Based on complex coacervation method and using arabic gum and gelatin as the wall materials,the microcapsule of DBM sex pheromone was developed.The effect of ratio between the wall materials and core materials on the productivity,drug loading and entrapment efficiency was studied.The results showed that mix the wall materials and core materials at the rate of 2:1(m:V)was optimal.In time of this,the productivity rate,drug loading rate and entrapment efficiency were 27.63%,17.64%and 70.46%,respectively.The diameter of the microcapsule was 1.5-3.7?m and the half retention time(RT50)at 25? and 35? was 14.13d and 12.61d.The critical micelle concentrations(CMC)of mPEG3000-PCL2300,mPEG2000-PCL2000 and mPEG2000-PCL4000 were 0.00199g/L,0.00196 g/L and 0.00328 g/L,respectively.In comparison,mPEG2000-PCL4000 was the best wall materials for amphiphilic block copolymers micelle development.The drug loading rates for the three compositions of DBM sex pheromones,i.e,cis-11-hexadecenal(Z11-16:Ald),cis-11-hexadecenyl acetate(Z11-16:Ac)and cis-11-hexadecenoic enolase(Z11-16:OH)were 78.93%,96.82%and 74.17%,respectively and the entrapment efficiencies were 75.92%,90.79%and 68.96%,respectively and all these varied little with temperature ranged from 20-60? sex pheromone concentration above 1.Omg/L and mixing method of the aqueous phase and oil phase.While the stirring rate was set at 1300r/min,the drug loading rates for the three compositions were 82.16%,94.44%and 76.63%,respectively and the entrapment efficiencies were 77.48%,90.20%and 72.70%,respectively.The micelle showed sound pourability,dispersibility and pH stability.The RT50 of the three compositions in the micelle varied with the wall material type.For example,while using PLGA-PEG-PLGA as the wall material,the RT50 of Z11-16:Ald,Z11-16:OH and Z11-16:Ac was 4.74d,6.29d and 5.12d,respectively,but that was 1.60d,5.56d and 1.04d for mPEG3000-PCL2300.The RT50 significantly reduced with the increase of the storage temperature.For Z11-16:Ald,it was 31.26d,4.49d and 3.65d,respectively at the temperature of 15?,25? and 35?,respectively.For Z11-16:Ac,that was 26.24d,4.03d and 2.05d,respectively.And for Z11-16:OH,that was 216.27d,10.89d and 8.97d,respectively.In the laboratory,the micelle had sound capability to attract male DBM adults,but the efficiency varied with the storage temperature and storage period.The newly made micelle took only 0.67 h to attract the first insect and 2.83h to reach the peak efficiency.For the mecelle experienced storage at 4? for 7 d,that were 1.33 h and 3.33h,but for those experienced storage at 25? for 14d,that were 3.17h and 8.83h.The sound attraction efficiency of the micelle was also found in the field.The newly made micelle of the DBM sex pheromone at the concentration of 0.5mg/ml could attract 180 male DBM adults within 2d,even those experienced storage at 35?for 7 d could attract 85 insect individuals and those were both significantly more than the 17 individuals found in the blank control.The storage of the the DBM sex pheromone adsorbed into silicone rubber was measured.The results indicated that the R.T50 varied with the composition type.That of Z11-16:OH was 6.24d,but for Z11-16:Ac,it was 25.50d.The RT50 of all the three compositions extended with storage period.For example,RT50 of Z11-16:OH extended from 6.24d at 25? to 11.93d and that of Z11-16:Ac also extended from 25.50d to 27.67d.
Keywords/Search Tags:diamondback moth, plutella xylostella(Linn.), sex pheromone, amphiphilic block copolymer, composite rubber, complex coacervation, micelle, microcapsule, half retention time
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