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Blood Brought To Ghosts

Posted on:2016-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330473466473Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of economic globalization and increasingly frequent international business, advertising translation is playing an important role in exploring the international market, thus arousing extensive attention of the academic circles. The existing studies have focused on strategies of advertising translation and emphasized the effect of translated advertisements. But they are restricted to researching advertising translation from such linguistic perspectives as pragmatics, relevance theory, communication theory, or from the views of cultural theory, reception aesthetics, eco-translatology, translation ethics, psychology, etc. Few researches in this field have been done at the philosophical level, especially by applying Ezra Pound's notion of "Energy in Language", which is in fact applicable to research of advertising translation in that it emphasizes the importance of seizing the energy hidden in language as well as energy transferring and conversion in the process of translation. Therefore, this thesis explores strategies for seizing "Energy in Language" in translation of advertising slogans in the light of this notion of Pound's "Energy in language"Just as Pound attempts to seize "Energy in Language" in poetry translation in three aspects, i.e. Melopoeia, Phanopoeia and Logopoeia, this thesis tries to analyze the way of seizing "Energy in Language" in advertising translation. Advertising language is very similar to poetic language in that both of them are succinct but full of energy and stress the importance of the beauty in sound, image and sense. Only when the advertisement slogans are full of energy, can they attract the consumers quickly. So a successful translation of advertisement slogan can act in the way a ghost gets fresh blood and make products recapture world markets.Based on an analysis of the language features of advertising slogans, this thesis puts forward some strategies for seizing "Energy in Language" in translation of advertising slogans, including direct and indirect ones, that is energy transfer and energy conversion. Some energy in language, such as Melopoeia energy, Phanopoeia energy and Logopoeia energy, can be directly seized in translating advertising slogans. Seizing Melopoeia energy refers to the recurrence of the rhyme, rhythm, or sound of the original in the target text. Two methods may be adopted in seizing Phanopoeia energy:one is to seize the unique external shape of advertisement slogan and the other to foreground the images in translation. Seizing Logopoeia energy requires to get the meaning beyond words and "make it new" in translation. The last way of directly seizing energy is to seize the synthetical energy in language which is used when advertisement slogans are energized in various forms. However, an indirect way of seizing energy in language needs to be taken into consideration when the above methods do not work, that is, energy conversion, including conversion of Melopoeia energy and of Logopoeia energy. Energy conversion may be used when the melopoeia or logopoeia energy in the source text can be converted into another form of energy. In this case, one form of energy in language can be released in other forms in the target text. Since Phanopoeia energy can usually be seized directly, there is no need to convert.Ezra Pound's notion of "Energy in Language" helps us get a deeper understanding of the inner power of advertisement slogan. Besides, it also gives us guidance to take effective measures to seize the energy in the process of advertisement slogan translation. In this sense, it is of great significance to advertisement slogan translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:advertising slogans translation, Energy in Language, energy seizing, energy transfer, energy conversion
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