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Three Greatest Masters To Renaissance And Durer,Holstein Worshipped By The Comparative Study Of Sketch

Posted on:2018-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S G WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330515997956Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Renaissance,sketch,as a purely understanding of the way of the world or an important form of artistic style exploration,formed a distinct form and understanding difference in the south and the north due to different ideological background,aesthetic will and national psychological state.This difference reflects the two regions are not the same as the world’s cognitive and aesthetic orientation.The Southern sketch,represented by the Renaissance Sanjie,presented us with a grand scene conceived in classical culture and advanced and rich thought and scientific experience,and determined the ideal norms from that date.And the north to Derek,Hellberg because of the first sketch let us glimpse to the Gothic art and classical aesthetics such as the two artistic will blend will show how the magic of the world of art,the two sketches of the world of art Of the inquiry,as we recognize today the world’s noble starting point.Whereby we have access to the intellectual world of art.Leonardo da Vinci,Raphael and Michelangelo described these southern artists as a true state of attachment to the unity of man and nature;Durer,Holstein proved the devotion to spiritual freedom and spiritual rest.They all prove that human beings are sensitive to the world and a positive response,which provides a variety of ways and possibilities to understand the world,and because of the existence of these works,the eternal value of artistic civilization and the infinite power of continuation.Sketch in the hands of these masters to become the art of civilization in the most great and simple wonders,they are not a simple retinal reproduction of the world,they are determined to God as the wisdom of the creation of things like life.Everyone is an independent and free nature,and everyone offers a "artistic nature" to the descendants.This paper attempts to sort out a series of problems such as the ideological and cultural background of the Renaissance and the art of the north and the south,the inner core mechanism of the evolution of the aesthetics,the concrete manifestations of these consciousness,and what kind of differences,Hoping to enter the era of transcendent sketch world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renaissance, Renaissance Sanjie, sketch, Durer, holbein
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