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Xinxiangdanran My Copper Print Practice

Posted on:2018-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W TianFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper expounds the principle,material,printmaking characteristics and artistic language of copper print,and analyzes the form language and aesthetic view of the song dynasty,combined with his practice of copper print creation,from subject matter establishment,material selection,techniques exploration,language application to improve printing process.In the creative practice part,in addition to the learning and reference of paintings of song dynasty art language,the most important is to transform and improve the original research accumulation in the exploration.This paper discusses the four parts.The first chapter summarizes the development of copper print,and analyzes the banxing and principle of copper print;The second chapter analyzes the artistic language and aesthetics of the song dynasty meticulous flower-and-bird painting;The third chapter analyzes the author in the study of the song dynasty meticulous brush painting process,and the transformation of creative thinking.The fourth chapter through the theme,picture composition,texture language and plate making printing discussion,and then the current practice of copper print production summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting in song dynasty, formal language, Aesthetic, Reference, etching, Creative practice
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