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The Study On Legalization Of Major Administrative Decision-making Project

Posted on:2016-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330473965880Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The legalization of administrative decision-making is the inevitable request of the mo dern administration and the important target of our country’s administrative system reform.China has made a lot of efforts in the promotion of the legalization of administrative deci sion-making.. In recent years, the party and the government made a clear and scientific, d emocratic and legal requirements of administrative decision-making in our country.. Major administrative decision-making is a part of administrative organs in administrative decisio n-making is particularly important relates to politics, people, environment and society as a whole an important problem, relates to the large number of interests of the citizens. There fore the major administrative decision-making if there are problems formation of wrong d ecisions, greatly damage the interests of the broad masses of the people, and even affect t he normal development of the state and society, caused by the negative impact will be en ormous.Since 2008, the State Council issued "on the strengthening of county government ad ministration according to law the decision" to guide the country to develop major adminis trative decision-making rules and regulations, the legalization of major administrative decis ion-making plan from the system has been great development. At the same time, local le gal institutions have also been developed, the legalization of procedures are increasingly p erfect. Major administrative decision-making program legalization in the continuous develo pment, we cannot ignore the major administrative decision-making program still exist. The legal affairs institution construction is weak, to review the legality of the content does n ot change, leadership decision-making meeting effect is not achieved, the decision released due to lack of timeliness problems seriously restrict the development of legalization of C hina’s major administrative decision-making plan. The through the ghost town of Qingshui River in the event further illustrates the seriousness of the problems existing in the legali zation of major administrative decision-making plan, and aiming at the problems of analys is, put forward and gives full play to review the legality of the key role, improve leaders hip conference on decision effectiveness, improve the announcement of the decision, stren gthen supervision system reform to promote the further development of the link of the le galization of major administrative decision-making plan countermeasures and suggestions。...
Keywords/Search Tags:The project of major administrative decision-making, Legalization, Administrative decision-making process
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